Continuous Integration in Software Development within Legal Tech
While we pride ourselves in the extensive technological advancements we’ve made in this industry, we recognize the journey is never-ending.
In that thread of continuous improvement, our software deployment processes have been reworked over and over, refined time and again to all our team to deliver near complete continuous integration across all software developers in the organization.
It's an ongoing, never-ending cycle of continuous code deployment application improvement. This means that each programmer on our staff is able to rapidly decipher, fix, merge,
and deploy their code to production without any of the typical long and arduous red-tape to go through. While this is not directly connected to a specific case,
it is a foundational element of a healthy technological platform, and should be considered one of many services
to our clients and their ability to rely on Simpluris to deliver a digital platform for their specific cases.
Eddie Batista, Director of Software
A Technology Platform
For Settlement Administration